Moved Blogs Thanks to Blogger

As I mentioned previously, blogger will no longer work for me with regards to anything other than straight up word based blogs. I have been unable to use this site as intended for many, many months now. I therefore made the decision to move my blog over to a site which can and will allow my to blog. I have decided to go back to Tumblr, which is where i will be blogging from for the foreseeable future. At the moment of writing this I only have a couple of blogs up, but I would love it if you came over to check it out. 

Now before anyone starts with the whole - I aM aBle to uSE bLOgGer, that's nice but in my country, with my security settings and on my browser of choice I cannot. This is not a decision I have taken lightly. I have moved as I dont see blogger fixing the issues at any point soon. This seems to be considered an improvement or upgrade. So long blogger and thanks for all the fish.



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