Radio Updates

Stations move and stations disappear, with this in mind I am currently working on updates for all radios. Sadly not all stations can be updated, but rest assured I am trying my best to get the best range of radio stations for you.

I am working on updating the script so there will be more stations available to you. I am also going through each station with a fine tooth comb. Any station which is deemed as dead (not working) will be removed and hopefully replaced with another that I have found. As always, not all stations run 24/7 but all new stations have been checked and are valid, at least for now. I have found a few, new exciting stations to add to my radios and hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 

I will confirm when the 2021 versions of my radios are ready here. If you have already bought a radio or build which has a radio, fear not. Your current radio will work just fine. If you want to update to the shiny 2021 version, please arrange for redelivery. One by one, each radio will receive these updates once they are ready and tested. Stay tuned for another blog post confirming the updates are ready for roll out. 


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