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Blogger is Dead

Google have fixed blogger so that it's now impossible to upload any images to blogs. YAYYYYYY good job. This latest genius fix now has us open the insert image tool and on upload from computer, it then claims the user needs to sign in to do this. I mean we already are signed in, but fine, lets do this. Not so fast, you uploaded the image according to this odd new window, but where have they gone? Why does it now require that I MUST now accept ALL cookies from blogger in order to use the image uploader? This is against GDPR and will hopefully be dealt with. However since google clearly give zero hecks for the user, this will take some time.  I will no longer be able to use this as a blog. Which is more than annoying, after having built up many years of work here. I know that I am not alone in this issue. It is not a browser based issue or cache. I have tried many workarounds, as apparently have others. Blogger in the meantime is dead. At least to those of us who like to use it for a

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